B.216 Bulletin Winter 2024
In this issue of Bulletin we’re delighted to hear from emeritus professor Ngāhuia te Awekōtuku (Arawa, Tūhoe, Waikato, Ngāpuhi), who writes about what artist Marilynn Webb meant to her as a friend, and why she is important. Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland-based artists Edith Amituanai (Aotearoa, Sāmoa) and Sione Tuívailala Monū (Aotearoa, Australia, Tonga) talk to Bulletin about their time in Sāmoa, their process of making, and how their understandings of cultural identity and migration have changed over time. Curator Ken Hall investigates a subgenre of Aotearoa New Zealand art that he argues is frequently under recognised – that of urban and industrial landscape. Barbara Garrie, senior lecturer in art history at the University of Canterbury, looks at some of the intergenerational pairings in our major collection exhibition Perilous: Unheard Stories from the Collection, which closes on soon. And artist Cora-Allan (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Tumutumu, Niue – Liku, Alofi), whose work makes such an eloquent statement on this issue’s cover, talks to her Pāpā Kelly Lafaiki about his experiences working with her in researching and developing the Experiencing Aotearoa exhibition. Our Pagework comes from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland-based artist Xin Cheng, whose print of scum floating on the surface of a local waterway is considerably more beautiful than it might sound, and this issue’s My Favourite is supplied by Lyttelton-based playwright, author and Press columnist Joe Bennett.
ISBN: 1176-0540